What a Collagen Supplement Can Do For You

Collagen is the main protein, and in mammals, the most abundant protein in connective tissue. It connects skin, bone, cartilage, muscles and tendons and holds them together much like a glue performs. Collagen and elastin work together in the body to give tissue firmness, strength and flexibility. Organs and even teeth rely on collagen. Collagen and keratin work together to give skin it's strength, resilience and flexibility.

Vitamin Mineral Supplements

As people age, they start experiencing collagen deficiencies. The deficiencies naturally lead to complications such as decreased joint mobility, sagging skin, sagging muscles and wrinkles. Replenishing deficient vitamins, nutrients and other natural components in the body is the purpose of taking supplements. Starting at age 25 or so, collagen decreases at about 1.5% every year reaching a decrease of 30% around age 45. Since the seventies, research from studies show taking a Collagen Supplement can not only help replace lost collagen, but help stimulate new collagen formation as well.

Vitamin Mineral Supplements

While many seek to reverse the effects of aging for aesthetic reasons, some do so because of disabling pain and stiffness. Since collagen is not only necessary for the smooth firmness of youth, but also for the mobility, strength and flexibility of joints and muscles, an attempt to replenish collagen through a Collagen Supplement appeals to people on different levels. As an alternative to surgery, this natural remedy just makes sense.

As with any supplement or new treatment regimen, research is a good idea. Assess possible allergies and interactions with medications. Many supplements contain sugar, yeast, salt, soy, wheat, gluten and even shellfish. Most brands are collagen taken from chickens or cows, so vegans beware.

In addition to an oral Collagen Supplement, there are collagen injections and topical collagen creams. There is some controversy regarding collagen creams. Whether the creams do what they are claimed to do or not, the moisture benefits are not refuted. Some think the collagen molecule is too large to be efficiently absorbed into the skin.

The injections have their own complications, but the immediate affect is undeniable, though it is certainly a temporary change. Oral supplements seem the most promising and effective. With no risk involved and the gains being hair that shines, strong nails, increased mobility with fewer aches and pains, what do you have to lose?

What a Collagen Supplement Can Do For You
Vitamin Mineral Supplements

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